Thursday, January 14, 2010

Month One - Day Seven to Fourteen

It's only the second week of the winter semester and already I feel inundated with papers, books and organizing. The work seems to be piling up regardless of how hard I work to get it all done. Trying to fit exercise in can often be a compromise. My school work always takes first priority so what's left to negotiate with is quality time with my fiancee, eating, sleeping and exercise. Even then it seems that the only things I have to work with are quality time with my fiancee and exercise because I have to eat to work and sleep will happen whether I want it to or not (now that I think about it, sleep seems to get shortchanged too often as well).

On that note, at my last weigh in I had lost 1.8 lbs. I'm more than happy with those results. I'm not sure how much that has to do with healthy eating and exercise as much as stres. I have been walking more often and, on the whole, making healthier choices at meal time. I have cut soda out of my diet completely and am working on finding yummy and healthy alternatives to late night Burger King cravings.

Regardles of how stressful things feel right now, as far as my weightloss journey is concerned, I still feel optimistic. I have a goal I'm working towards and I am determined to reach it. The thing that I have to work on is increasing my desire to exercise and finding a balance between school life and home life.

Wish me luck,



  1. Optimism is key :) you can still do it!

  2. Thanks Adam! The cruise is still 3 months and a few weeks away so my cause is definitely not lost! Let's work together on this one :)

